MP Fish Apps

Fisherman Watch 7.0.9
MP Fish
Fisherman Watch presents by "Fish Planet" givean accurate prediction of success on fishing and addressed to allfishermen and amateurs, and anglers sportsmen.The program displays the influence of weather and movements of thesun and moon on the result of fishing on selected species of fishand allows you to choose the best hours for fishing.Based on the collection of mathematical models of the behavior offish MathFish5.1(TM). The forecast is based on more than 300species. Built forecast catch smallmouth bass, pike, perch, bream,carp, crucian carp and other fish species.Application via the Internet receives weather at the point oflocation of the mobile phone. It records the values of atmosphericpressure, temperature, humidity, wind, clouds and the dynamics ofall these parameters. After that, to this point information iscalculated sunrise, sunset and the culminations of the sun andmoon, high tide and low tide - if the point is located in thecoastal zone.Then, in accordance with these seasonal-diurnal model of thebehavior of fish MathFish5.1(TM) - is detecting the influence ofall these parameters for each of fish.It is important that for the different species of fish theseeffects are also accounted differently. For each fish You want tocatch, have the best time, this time is determined by themathematical model accurately defined biologists parameters.Similarly, the influence of the tide on coastal fishing fishspecies, which is not affected, in contrast to the height of themoon above the horizon, on catching fish in inland waters.The user can choose what factors he considered whenforecasting.With the help of the switches that are on the screen,you can disable the influence of the Sun, moon, tides, weather andeven the daily behaviors of the selected fish species. In thiscase, will stay only the data of seasonal behavior of fish forthose coordinates where is the phone.Itself the seasonal model, depends on the coordinates of thefisher. To better reflect the influence of climate on the World mapis built the model of climatic zones taking into account details ofthe relief and global currents.For for more convenient display you can select the desired fishspecies. In the application settings the fishs are distributedacross the families.In the basic free version of the app included 3 fish.Regional packages are separately available for download:North America - 76 species;Europe and Asia - 151 species;Marine fish - 322 species.In addition to the Fisherman Watch we recommend you to install thefollowing applications:"Fish Planet" - the most comprehensive mobile reference -encyclopedia of fish for anglers. This fishing reference containsdetailed biometric data and descriptions of the habits and ways offishing for 360 species of fish and has both free and paidversions."Fish Planet Calendar" - is the best calendar of biting, based onscientific models MathFish5.0(TM) for planning fishing."Fishing Log" - is the most convenient photo gallery to store andorganize data about your fishings, cloud-based, you can safelystore your photos and share with friends on social networks."Fishing Knots" - the encyclopedia of knots for all kinds offishing line, fishing cords and lures.
Fisherman's Navigator 3.5.21
MP Fish
The easiest navigator for a fisherman, hunter or tourist.Thisapplication allows you to remember the catchy place, recordtracks,go home the shortest way. Navigation on the track,navigation tothe point. Features: ➜ Display of current coordinatesand accuracy➜ Different types of maps ➜ Trip computer ➜Customizable sensors ➜Save points ➜ Record routes ➜ View detailedroute information ➜Export/import tracks to GPX files ➜ Routesbuilder
Fishing Knots
MP Fish
Encyclopedia of knots for anglers and fisherman's, step-by-stepguide
Fishing Knots Pro
MP Fish
Encyclopedia of knots for anglers and fisherman's, step-by-stepguide
Fish Planet
MP Fish
Encyclopedia of fish - pictures, biometrics, biology and anglingmethods
MP Fishing Calendar 2.0.2
MP Fish
Fishing forecast
Fish Planet Calendar
MP Fish
Fishing forecast will help in the planning of fishing
MP Fishing Calendar Pro 2.0.1
MP Fish
Fishing forecast
Рыбы России 5.14.1019.01
MP Fish
Fishes of Russia - the most complete encyclopedia of Russian fish.Habits, descriptions, etc.
Рыбы России 5.14.1019.01
MP Fish
Fishes of Russia - the most complete encyclopedia of Russian fish.Habits, descriptions, etc.
Fishing Log
MP Fish
Organize data on your fishing - places, tackle and methods offishing